Seared Salmon Poached in Coconut Milk

I was just talking my my sister Miriam yesterday, and we got onto the topic of FOOD. She reminded me of a Salmon recipe I haven’t made in awhile…and it just so happened that I had a nice big fillet of fresh bluff salmon in my freezer waiting to be cooked to perfection. Dinner sorted.

I absolutely love salmon, but I have this thing when it comes to eating it. I either like it raw – as in sashimi raw, or well done. Nothing in between– not seared with pink in the middle, or medium rare — eeww. I don’t know why, it just makes me queazy to even think about!

This recipe is so yummy, and the perfect light dinner for two. I used a blend of fried cumin seeds, garlic and chilies to spice it up a bit, and the flavors worked so well together. I chose cauliflower as the vegetable, which was served in a bowl topped with the baked salmon fillets and then drizzled with the spiced coconut milk, which turned out almost like a light curry. So delicious!  Continue reading

Zesty Coconut Chicken

 This is quite possibly my new favorite dinner. I am a huge fan of Thai food, so I’m always looking for new ways to use the traditional Thai flavors of fresh coriander, kaffir lime, ginger and garlic in recipes. This dish is more of a “Thai-fusion”, as I’ve combined a richly flavored chicken poached in coconut cream on top of a bed of roasted butternut squash, onions and garlic mash instead of your traditional curry on rice dish. The fresh zesty flavors of the coconut chicken combined with the warm roasted veggies is absolutely brilliant. And although not completely necessary, I highly recommend giving my sugarless “candied” peanuts recipe a try — crush a handful of these sweet and salty nuts and sprinkle on top of this dish as a garnish. Insanely addictive. I’ve already planned to make this one again before the week is over! You may also try serving this on a bed of “Creamed Cauliflower Rice“, which is what I plan to do next time! Yummy.

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