Seared Salmon Poached in Coconut Milk

I was just talking my my sister Miriam yesterday, and we got onto the topic of FOOD. She reminded me of a Salmon recipe I haven’t made in awhile…and it just so happened that I had a nice big fillet of fresh bluff salmon in my freezer waiting to be cooked to perfection. Dinner sorted.

I absolutely love salmon, but I have this thing when it comes to eating it. I either like it raw – as in sashimi raw, or well done. Nothing in between– not seared with pink in the middle, or medium rare — eeww. I don’t know why, it just makes me queazy to even think about!

This recipe is so yummy, and the perfect light dinner for two. I used a blend of fried cumin seeds, garlic and chilies to spice it up a bit, and the flavors worked so well together. I chose cauliflower as the vegetable, which was served in a bowl topped with the baked salmon fillets and then drizzled with the spiced coconut milk, which turned out almost like a light curry. So delicious!  Continue reading